Not everyone can be trusted with your marriage.


“Discerning who can pour into you, can change your outcome.”

Not everyone should have the privilege or say into your marriage. Something I had to learn the first year of marriage. I was always confiding in other married women & sometimes my single friends who weren’t even in this season, looking for advice. I just wanted someone to relate or vent to not realizing the damage that could have came from letting anyone just pour into my marriage or in some cases, destroy it. 

Over the years, I’ve learned that not everyone can be trusted or gives the best encouraging words needed. Too many times I’ve listened to people who spoke terrible of their spouse, which led to me feeling like my marriage was going to end up just like theirs. Instilling fears like they were so common for me to possess. 
I allowed their experiences to seep into my relationship causing issues that didn’t even have to do with us. I would bring up things like so and so are going through this, so I found myself questioning my husband as though he was being tempted like their spouses. 

I had to really evaluate who I was sharing my marriage with. Who was trustworthy & would give solid godly wisdom instead of their traumatic experiences. I had to set up boundaries & not project over people’s problems on my marriage. Protecting & praying over my marriage. Seeking godly counsel from those who valued marriage & wanted the best for my family. 

Be aware who you share your marriage with. Your relationship with. Your friendships with. All play a huge part in your experiences & what you accept as truth. Not all advice given is bad, but not every piece of advice is helpful. Discerning who can pour into you, can change your outcome. How you handle situations. The way you process things. How you talk & communicate your feelings. Choose wisely. 🖤


To The Girl Who Felt Isolated


To The Girl That Felt Pressured