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Enduring long distance.

Long distance makes you want to try harder, become more creative, & find different ways to find joy in the midst of this season.

As I was finishing up my senior year of college, an opportunity opened up where I was going to have to relocate to another state. Anthony & I officially started dating two months in, & we had to say goodbye, or as he would say, “it’s see you later” I was moving to a state where I didn’t know a single soul, so all the emotions began flooding in. I was excited, yet nervous not knowing what was to come from this new transition. I wanted to stay in all honesty. I didn’t want to be away from everything that made me feel safe, but I knew what needed to be done. I was being obedient. Although it seemed like the hardest two years of my life, it taught me so much about myself & our relationship. 

Not only did we have to learn how to better communicate, but also had to learn the importance of being intentional. We were young, busy, & full of so much love for one another. It was so evident. I felt it. We felt it. But being in two separate states, does something to a couple. From my experience this could have went two ways, made us closer, or drew us farther apart. We had to constantly fight for each other. There were times I allowed my emotions to get the best of me. I wanted all his attention knowing that wasn’t the season we were in. 

As we were both finishing up our schooling, it became harder to see each other. The days became longer where we would spend apart. We made FaceTime calls count, texting, whatever we could do to make sure we kept the end goal in mind which was marriage. We prayed with each other faithfully, did bible studies even with the time difference. Some nights we would fall asleep on the phone for hours because we both had so much on our plates. 

When times got a bit rocky, we didn’t give up even when others would have. We knew we needed to do whatever it took to stay connected with each other. We checked in often, and even till this day, we do the same. Long distance doesn’t mean you stop doing the very things you did when you were together. It just makes you want to try harder, become more creative, & find different ways to find joy in the midst of this season. We did just that. Thankful we persevered & didn’t call it quits.