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Fighting together.

We invite God's presence in our home, seeking nothing but peace even when the seasons change & circumstances are producing perseverance.

The enemy hates marriage. He will do anything & everything to cause division. He doesn't like seeing us happy & full of peace. He will try whatever he can to distract us from our relationship if we let him have a foothold. His goal is to pull us away from each other because he knows the power that's instilled within us. He knows that if he can break us, he can plant seeds of fear in us. He don't care how we feel honestly, he just attacks.

Cause two people chasing after God, trying to pursue his purpose for our lives, fuel his anger x 1000000. No lie. This also applies to those in godly relationships. That's why it's so vital to cover one another in prayer. We have to protect what's ours because he doesn't play. When we let our guards down & aren't ready, he seeks our differences, weaknesses & tries to use it against us.

But he will not win, because what we have is anointed. We invite God's presence in our home, seeking nothing but peace even when the seasons change & circumstances are producing perseverance. Don’t let up, keep praying for your marriage. Fight together. Check in on each other. Ask each other questions. Seek peace & contentment among the storms. Know that when it’s God ordained, nothing can separate what he’s bound together.