I ruined our special day.

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Appreciate what you have before it’s gone.

I ruined Valentine’s Day one year. Even though I knew it was a man made holiday, I still had these expectations. I threw out every single thoughtful thing my husband did for me that year because I was so caught up at looking at what everyone else was receiving. Scrolling & comparing rather than enjoying my night spending quality time with my man. Yes I know I seemed so ungrateful & unappreciative. Truth be told, I was. To be honest I don’t even think I said thank you or made him feel special. I discredited the fact he took time to write me a handwritten letter, take me to get my favorite food & cuddled up with me on the couch until I fell asleep.

I thank God for growth because let me tell you something, that year God snatched me all the way up. I share all this to say, please thank your significant other & let them know you are super appreciative of their love. I know it’s hard when you aren’t receiving multiple gifts today or for many, nothing at all. It can make a person feel unimportant & unappreciated, but today isn’t any less special as yesterday or tomorrow. Each day is special & should make you feel loved regardless.

So as you swipe & scroll, just know that if you have someone who truly cares & genuinely loves you, that’s what’s most important. Not the flowers, candy, money spent, & fancy dates. Don’t second guess someone’s love for you based off of those things the way I did. Please learn from my past experience. Whatever thoughts may have gone into making this day special for you, be thankful & show them the love they deserve also. Appreciate what you have before it’s gone.❤️ #lovedeeply #lovehard


I can't change him, but I can change myself.


Rekindling the fire.